blk feminist bookclub

About the bookclub

The group meets once every other month to discuss books written by Black womxn writers virtually. Once registered you will receive an email confirmation with access to register for the bookclub call. In order to get access to the meeting you must be registered and approved before the meeting date.

The group is currently a limited-membership safe space for members who identify as being a Black +/or Brown Woman (or woman-identifying person). Perhaps in the future there will be space for us to open up our meetings on a situation-by-situation basis (when it makes sense and feels in alignment with our ecosystem collectively) to genuine allies. 



August 20

Book cover titled "Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones" by Carole Boyce Davies against a purple background with repeated word "MAY."

[Rescheduled meeting from May]

Book cover of "The Sisters Are Alright: Changing the Broken Narrative of Black Women in America" by Tamara Winfrey Harris, featuring a group photo of smiling women. Background has repeated word "September."

September 19

Cover of the book 'The Year of the Witching' by Alexis Henderson. It features a black and white image of a woman with curly hair set against a moody, atmospheric background. The title is printed in bold letters.

November 21

2024 Full Reading List

Click on any of the below images to rsvp for the corresponding meeting or meetings if you are considering being around for the year.

Book cover of 'Parable of the Sower' by Octavia E. Butler, displaying an illustration of a woman in a red dress with a backdrop of repeating text 'JANUARY'. Features a New York Times bestseller badge and quote by John Green.