Sponsorship opportunities:

Event Details:

On The Yard is an extraordinary event organized and hosted BLK + BRWN. a distinguished indie Black-owned bookstore that actively promotes literature, culture, ecosystem-building, and knowledge within our community. This event aims to provide a platform for graduates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to share their unique experiences as students and the profound impact of having a space where they can be unapologetically themselves. The panel discussion will highlight the transformative journey, challenges, and accomplishments of HBCU graduates, emphasizing the importance of these institutions in fostering personal growth, cultural identity, and academic excellence. It will conclude with a Q&A portion to allow current/potential students, their families, or other members of the community to ask questions to the panel.

In addition to the panel discussion, we will also be hosting a mixer designed to foster continued community building. This mixer will bring together parents, students, educators, community members and organizations, and other HBCU alumni in a warm and inclusive environment. It will provide valuable networking opportunities, mentorship possibilities, and a chance to celebrate the achievements and contributions of HBCU graduates through intergenerational conversation.

Sponsorship Tiers:

We invite you to partner with us as a sponsor for the On The Yard event. As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to align your brand with this exceptional event that celebrates diversity, education, and community empowerment. We offer several sponsorship tiers with corresponding benefits:

Legacy Sponsor

  • Pays for another On The Yard event

    Pays for ongoing curation of a dedicated HBCU experience at BLK + BRWN.

    Covers the amount of (15) reader-level appropriate books that will be gifted to guests

    Prominent logo placement on event banners, flyers, and marketing materials

    Website mention and newsletter highlight

    Name announcement during the event opening and closing remarks of this event and future event(s)

    Booth or table space at the mixer for promotional materials and engagement

    Social media recognition before, during, and after the event

Community Catalyst sponsor

  • Pays for ongoing curation of a dedicated HBCU experience at BLK + BRWN.

    Covers the amount of (10) reader-level appropriate books that will be gifted to guests

    Logo placement on event banners, flyers, and marketing materials

    Website mention and newsletter highlight

    Name announcement during the event opening and closing remarks

    Booth or table space at the mixer for promotional materials and engagement

    Social media recognition before and during the event

Empowerment Sponsor

  • Covers the amount of (10) reader-level appropriate books that will be gifted to guests

    Name announcement during the event

    Website mention and newsletter highlight

    Booth or table space at the mixer for promotional materials and engagement

    Social media recognition before the event